28 Brian Tracy Quotes On Motivation and Success (2021)
This collection of Brian Tracy quotes will help you be more productive and motivated than you have ever been before! Before we dive in to these wise words, though, you might be wondering, “Just who is Brian Tracy?” Well, if you have ever heard the saying, “Eat that frog” as it relates to your daily routine and habits, then you have Brian Tracy to thank for it! Brian Tracy is a Canadian-American motivational speaker and author. He wrote more than eighty books that have been translated into dozens of languages. Some of his most popular books include Earn What You’re Really Worth , Eat That Frog! , No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline and The Psychology of Achievement . Keep reading through these Brian Tracy quotes for more tips on living your most motivated and productive life! Motivational Brian Tracy Quotes about a productive life 1. “The person we believe ourselves to be will always act in a manner consistent with our self-i mage.” – Brian Tracy Every...